New research highlights that a majority of marketers are still unfamiliar with contextual advertising.
With third-party cookies phasing out, new privacy regulations firmly in place, and brand safety concerns on the rise, the ad tech industry is undergoing a colossal transformation; cutting ties with behavioral targeting and pivoting toward more sustainable and promising alternatives such as contextual advertising.
However, GumGum's new study with Brand Innovators shows that while 49% of marketers say they are looking to contextual advertising to replace cookies - only 27% of them say they are very familiar with contextual - highlighting that while contextual seems to be a hot topic right now, marketers are still not as familiar with how contextual will help their marketing efforts in the future.
Dine data vil blive behandlet i overensstemmelse med vores privatlivspolitik.
Muligheden for at finde et brand-egnet miljø baseret på kontekstuel målretning i stedet for søgeord var den mest attraktive funktion ved kontekstuel annoncering, som 38% placerede på førstepladsen.
Brand Innovators undersøgelse viser, at for størstedelen af de adspurgte marketingfolk er kontekstuel annoncerings mangel på privatlivsproblemer vigtig, et ekstra plus for en taktik med mange værdifulde fordele.