
To demonstrate just how close artificial intelligence can come to the human creative process, we devised a Turing Test. We commissioned five artists—and Pindar Van Arman's Cloudpainter—to create a piece of art based on the same dataset, a collection of art by 20th-century American abstract expressionists. Then, we asked them to document the process, showing us their preferred tools and telling us how they came to their final work. Find the final results in the guide see which were created by man, and which by machine.

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Hvad der er indeni

Hvordan kunstig intelligens baner vejen for fremtidens kreativitet.

Galleriet: Kan du gætte AI-kunstværket?

Kan det, en AI skaber, kaldes kunst? Kunst er mere end et produkt, mere end produktion. Det kræver inspiration, motivation og kreativitet.

Fremtiden for AI og den kreative industri. For kreative, der arbejder for at opfylde andres forventninger, kommer arbejdet med AI til at handle mindre om at eksperimentere og mere om at forhandle.

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